JUST IN, the Economic News
An Economic News Aggregator Sponsored by Axis Point
Its a Blog, a RSS Feed, and a Email Blaster and It’s Just The Moment the New Comes In!
JUST IN, the Economic News is a blog designed as a free economic news aggregator for decision makers who need an efficient way to remain always current on national macro economic information as well as for regional, Texas and our local Houston area market. While peoplefrom many industries may benefit, this blog is particularly planned for real estate related professions such as builders, developers, contractors, land sellers, brokers, bankers, and investors.
Daily and hourly, JUST IN collects data from numerous sources and is set up to immediately pass it on to subscribers in multiple ways, greatly reducing the time requirements of individuals searching for the current economic information.
JUST IN, The Economic News is available to you in multiple efficient ways.
JUST IN Data Blog
The JUST IN Data Blog (NOT an RSS Feed) is a blog within the blog for local and regional economic commentary and relevant statistical data by economist, governments, and leaders as well as by the author and contributors of JUST IN. Because some of the Data Blog information needs to be available for our followers on a longer term basis, the Date Blog Archive tab at the bottom will act as a repository for articles, PDF, Power Point files, and more. Like most Blogs, you can comment or ask questions thereby contributing your input and enhancing dialogue. If you see an economic news story of importance, let us know and we will publish it, or you can reference it in your comments. Again, note that there is no RSS feed for the Data Blog so you will need to come to this site JustInEconomics.com to get the information.
JUST IN News Blog
The JUST IN News Blog(RSS Feed) is a news aggregator which draws in the most important syndicated economic news. The job ofJUST IN The Economic News is to sift through the vast economic news sources and efficiently deliver to you just the most important, salient information. When you read the News Blog, you will see first a head line and then up to five lines of content. Click on the headline to see all the information on the News Blog. To see the original article, just click on “Read More” and you will go directly the the original syndicated source. Choose you favorite way of reading the JUST IN News Bog by doing any of the following:
- Website: justineconomics.com URL takes you to the full website
- RSS Readers: down load any of the RSS Readers (Google Reader, Yahoo Reader, etc.) and subscribe to JustInEconomics.com to receive the date on your:
- computer
- smart phone
- tablet
- Social Media: follow Just In on:
- Twitter: search for Just In Economics
- Facebook: search for Just In, The Economic News
- Icons: Or click on the social media buttons at the top of each page
Subscribe to JUST IN E-Blast to receive just the very most important information emailed directly to you. Only a limited number of blog items will be sent by email. We will “not” clog your inbox.
Oh yes, you can also can call Joe Watson or any contributing editor with your comments or questions. Perhaps we can direct you to a source you might need.
No Ads, No Commercials, No Cost, and No Right or Left Wing Bias (mostly no bias)
Yea, it is free, and you do not have to look at annoying advertisements. Well, you might look at “Whats New on the Axis Point Web Site, just to be polite?”
As to bias, we all have a point of view and to completely ignore that would be a bland pablum. Whether you are a John Manard Keynes devote, or believe “get your hands” off Laissez-faire (“Leave us be”) as the 1680 French merchant said, you will see it all in Just In, The Economic News. Personally, my point of view is, bias that is, is perhaps the answer is often somewhere in the broad general middle.
Enjoy the Just In, the Economic News, RSS Feed and E-Alert emails. Feel free to comment either on the Blog or to me directly.
Joe Watson
President, Axis Point Developers, LLC.